Wind in my hair and sand between my toes....this is the life!
Luke's second trip to the beach was to Panama City Beach, Florida. He really enjoyed this trip and could not get enough of the ocean. He absolutely loved running through the waves with daddy. Notice I said daddy and not mommy...I'm a little scared of all of the lovely ocean residents.
We absolutely love going to the beach and I enjoy all of the photo opportunities.

For Luke's first trip to the beach we went to Gulf Shores, Alabama with some friends of ours. At first he did not know what to think of the sand, but after a while it grew on him....literally. He played and played and as a souvenir, packed in a ton of sand in his little swim diaper. It took quite a while to get the sand out of all his little crevasses. It was so much fun that we went back and did it the next day, and the next, and the next!